October Patch Notes 2024

Posted 5 months ago by Richard Wood

Richard Wood Admin

Version: - Deploying on Monday 30th September (Available 01/10/24)

New Additions

  • Added two new fields to the Sessions Block in Block Reporting.
    - Room - Name
    - Building - Name   

  • Added new field to the Student block in Block Reporting.

- General Address Link 2 Email

  • Added new field to the General Addresses block in Block Reporting.

-  General addresses Contact tab    

  • New widget created, labelled ‘Day Attendance - Present Today’.

    This widget lists all learners that have had a day attendance status recorded which equates to ‘Present’ statistically. If no attendance is set, students will appear under a Not Marked table. Alongside the students it will display where the student is expected at the time of viewing the widget using their session timetable. Clicking on a students name will open a new window with their PEEPs

  • System label added for Student Application page: Contract Raised, Contract Signed and Tribunal Date.

  • Added programme pathway filter to baseline manager.

  • Added 'Tags' to the Evidence Browser as an addition for items going forward. If an item is added via LAP or PAP a tag will now appear above the item in the evidence browser to make it easy to identify where this item was uploaded from.

  • Added the platform of origin for Evidence in a new column within the Excel Export function.

  • Added Labels into the Evidence Timeline found via Student Record > View > Evidence Timeline. This is a label that signifies whether an item was uploaded via PAP or LAP.

  • Added a new 'Show Amount' filter to the External Evidences Widget to speed up loading times of the widget for customers that have a large amount of data, Initially this will load with the smaller amount of 20 and has a variety of other options to be selected.

  • Added a Loading effect to the External Evidences Widget to signify whether the widget is loading.

  • A new option has been added to the Staff Announcements management page (found by clicking 'manage' on the widget) - labelled 'Reorder Announcements'. 

    When clicking on this, it will bring up a window listing all of the announcements, with the option to drag and drop to change the order.

  • Various improvements and additions have been made to the MAR Grid.

- Added the ability to mark a medication entry on the MAR Grid as 'refused'. After saving and reopening the record itself on the MAR grid it should signify that this was refused with a warning symbol and when opened, show the notes as to why.

- Added a Witnessed By Dropdown that will show up when entering a Medication into the MAR Grid, this should show up when clicking on the record that is in the MAR Grid itself.

  • Moved the 'Change Area / Options' button out of the options menu within the Curriculum Area Tracker to improve the flow of the page and reduce clicks required to switch areas / options.

  • New fields added to the IA Manager Print Report. 

    - General Tab: Student medical condition

    - Assessment Tab: All boxes to be included

    - Report Tab: General Overview

  • When creating a new student, an Audit log entry will include the Local Education Authority (field on the External tab).


  • Fixed an issue where the Event Log Dashboard report would not generate correctly when using a custom date range.

  • Fix for Staff Absences not showing correctly on the Staff Rota widget.

  • Day Attendance -> 'Summary Attendance Report Student List' adjusted to give accurate data.

  • Added a loading indicator to various screens to clearly display when data is being loaded.

  • Resolved an issue that displayed options in the student dropdown menu on the Student Timetable screen for staff who lacked the necessary permissions.

  • Incidental Learning Add Area Link will now correctly load data when 'Show for Learner' is selected.

  • Datepickers across the system will no longer appear cut off at the bottom of certain screens. If the datepicker would get cut off, it will instead appear above the input box.

  • Users will now be prompted to select a Relationship Type when adding new people on the Social Network tab, if they haven't already done so. This prevents errors.

  • Social Network tab data will load when the tab is clicked to prevent issues when loading large amounts of data.    

  • Fixed issue where body map notes would not correctly output to Event Log print.  

  • Fixed issue which prevented clearing date fields on ILR Grid mode. 

  • I Added loading indicator to the Event Log Actions screen to make it clear to users when the data is loading and for consistency with other areas.

  • Fix an issue where the student list could error if any sites had previously been made non-current when selecting --All Sites-- on the site filter.

  • Databridge Administrator account will not longer appear on the staff Single Central Record screen.

  • In Block reporting, Removed default principle site filter for all Learner related blocks. This will mean that student data can be retrieved for student that may be multisite. If a site is specified it will use the specified site to filter, if a site filter is not present the system will use the students Principle Site

  • Review Meeting Actions 'Actioned By' wording has been changed to 'Action For' for clarity and consistency with other Action areas.

  • The Academic Year field on the Goals screen when adding LTG/MTGs will now automatically select the current academic year by default.

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