September Patch Notes 2024

Posted 6 months ago by Richard Wood

Richard Wood Admin

Version: - Deploying on Tuesday 3rd September

New Additions

  • New Contact type added to the Therapy Log. This can be triggered by a new policy under  Administration > Policies > System Policies > Care Plan Policies > Show secondary Direct Contact option.   

  • Added the site name alongside the security group when adding security groups to event log category fields.

    This is a fix going forward so the site name will only show for newly added groups.

  • Made various small UI/UX and QOL improvements to the Security -> Permissions screen:

    - When attempting to delete a security group, the group name is now highlighted in the confirmation prompt.

    - When attempting to remove users from a security group, the users name and group name is now highlighted in the confirmation prompt.

    - When attempting to remove a permission from a security group, the permission name and group name is now highlighted in the confirmation prompt.

    - When adding a new security group, the "New Group" in the Title textbox is now a placeholder.

    - When adding a new security group, you can select a site to create the group for - this defaults to the current selected site, which maintains the current functionality.

    - When copying a security group, the Title textbox is pre-filled with the copied group name with (Copy) in brackets.

    - When copying a security group, you can select a site to copy the group to - this defaults to the current selected site.

  • Staff - Incomplete Attendance page now shows Staff names appropriately.

  • In the Students External tab, when clicking to edit a Funding record a new window will now be opened with the details instead of the screen changing.

  • 'Current Staff' (work tab) set to false, when end of employment is initiated.

  • Print Evidence report now shows Target Tags.   

  • Added a further dialog box to the Event Log Targets button, if a user has opened the Targets dialog box and not added evidence, they will now be prompted to check if they are sure they would like to continue when using this action. If yes is selected it will continue as normal but if no is selected they will be given the opportunity to further add evidence.

  • Added the following Tooltip to the NI Number text field found in the student records personal tab, giving the user further guidance on why the red box shows up for NI Numbers not in the correct format. 


    The National Insurance number format is two prefix letters (excluding D, F, I, Q, U, V, and certain prefixes), six digits, and one suffix letter (A, B, C, or D).

    This will show up when hovering over the text box itself.

  • New Print All Master Rotas (Excel) report added to Rota Manager.

  • System labels added for Staff Record ->  Declaration of interest tab fields and tab name.

  • Detailed Attendance report (session) now includes a 'Include Notes' checkbox, this will give the user the option to include comments of Absent attendance. 

  • Site settings modal has been updated and organised for clearer usage.  

  • Added an Employed To Filter to the Staff Archiving screen to allow staff to be filtered in the list by their End Date set in the Personnel tab of the Staff Record.


  • Fixed issue where removing a date on the staff record would cause it to be recognized as an "invalid date".

  • Character limit on the timetables scales Label field has been increased.  

  • Missing the cursor pointy finger when hovering over the score area to let people know they can click in that area to set a score

    - Pointer cursor will be shown when hovering over the Baseline Curriculum Area Tracker Score boxes.

  • Fixed an issue where the baseline manager would initially load the student list twice, sometimes resulting in incorrect results.    

  • Fixed an issue that could cause an error when saving changes made to the Residential/Day field on the Student Record.

  • Fixed an issue where the Attendance (Session) tab would not be shown with the relevant Session Attendance permission and was instead using Day Attendance permissions. 

    Its visibility permission now matches the permission required to retrieve and view the data, Sessions - Session Attendance Manager - Students

  • Resolved an issue where Additional Links fields sometimes failed to load correctly.

  • Fixed Issue where additional evidence files would overlap columns. File(s) column is now relocated to the end column to allow enough space for all additional files.

    File Size column has been updated to "File Size(s)" and will now show the file size of each file rather than only the last one added.

  • Block Report excel worksheet names will now include the name of the first dataset to improve legibility.   

  • Location dropdown is now searchable when creating sessions.  

  • Changed the default "New Shortcut" text to placeholder text when adding a new shortcut. 

  • ILP -> Incidental Learning - Restored image viewing functionality. Will display multiple images attached to the Incidental Learning.

  • Improved label clarity for the 'Achieved' fields in Block Reporting, Student Objectives - Core/Subject Blocks.

  • When checking for session clashes, a message will be shown when no clashes are found.

  • Added delete function to College Resources. This works exactly the same way as the delete function in Parent Resources and are both now consistent.

  • Mouse cursor on Admin > Parent Resources doesn't change to the pointer when hovering over the trashcan icon to delete a file:

    - Changed hover cursor to pointer.

  • Session Manager > File > Template Mode > Template Manager > Add Group and Add Template

    - Changed default textbox text to placeholder text.

    - Changed header to match the users action. "New Group" when adding, "Edit Group" when editing. Previously both Add/Edit actions would say "Edit Group". Same for Add/Edit Template.

  • KPI tab Permission name has been updated to match the actual tab name for user clarity, which was changed to Performance Management a long time ago. KPI will still be referenced in the description.


    "Staff - KPI Tab View"

    "Staff - KPI Tab Edit"


    "Staff - Performance Management Tab View"

    "Staff - Performance Management Tab Edit"

  • Fixed an issue where Staff Absence Manager would error when trying to retrieve Bradford Factor values.

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