August Patch Notes 2024

Posted 7 months ago by Richard Wood

Richard Wood Admin

Version: - Deploying on Tuesday 30th July

New Additions

  • When printing the Admissions reports, the 'Learners Primary Residence' text will show for anyone that has the checkbox set. 

  • Added a link to the Add Resource functionality into the right hand blue bar when in session view.

  • Added new fields to Block Reporting (Student Contacts);

    • Residential Student flag (Personal tab)
    • Learner Username (Internal tab)
      • Contact 'General Letters' and 'Custom' can now be used to filter.

  • Added new fields to Block Reporting (Session Block);
    • Session Start time
    • Session End time

  • Added the name of the person that uploaded the evidence into the 'Print Evidence' Word report found on the evidence browser.

  • Created an Added By column within the Staff Announcements area to show who added an announcement.
    • As this wasn't a field previously tracked, this will only show for announcements created post update and won't show who the names of those that added old announcements. 

  • Student Timetable (LAP) now shows BuildingName (Room Name), When selecting a session, a  new appended row will show the  SubjectDetails that are set on creation of Subject.

  • Added 'Raw Export Data' report to the ILR Manager (grid).

  • 'EHCP' and 'High Needs Funded' filters added to Day Attendance Dashboard.   

  • New system policy added, 'Use same score system for post assessment', this will change post score to be the same as pre score for Risk Assessments. 

  • Status filter added to the Event Log Dashboard. 

  • All Student Confidential data fields have been added to System Labels.

  • New fields added to Staff System Labels
    • "Sleep", "Sleep Rate", "Sleep Payment", "Contracted Sleeps"
    • These changes can be seen in Staff Records -> Job Positions and Reporting -> Report Menu -> Pay/Salary Dashboard.

  • Excel print function added to 'Staff Absence Bradford factors widget'.

  • Added a Contact Not Specified option to General Address Link 2 on the External tab of a student record.

  • Added a new checkbox into the 'Print Detailed Attendance by Student' modal which gives the user the ability to add 'Present' set Attendance status values into the Absence table, where notes are present in the record.

  • When adding a new Review Meeting, in the bottom left, Renamed the print section to 'Invite Letters' as it is more applicable with the following changes included.
    • Added a new option to 'Send as Email', which will send the attached Template to the Work email of the selected Attendee.

  • In Security -> Functions a new function has been added: Bulk Limit Staff to Certain Student Departments. This allows bulk limiting staff to students by Department.

  • On Session manager -> Edit -> a new filter checkbox has been added to the functions below, which will 'Exclude Work Experience Subjects' from being included in the given function.  

  • Two new API calls have been added to the Wonde API, these two additions have been put in place to follow CBD requirements of data to be sent to Local Authorities. 


  • To allow support for new 2 character DfE attendance codes, we have Increased the Dept. of Ed. Status field limit from 1 to 2.

  • Fixed issue where student record Attendance (Day) tab would not generate any data in rare cases.

  • Increased character limit on Staff KPI Comments field to allow greater than 255 characters.

  • Made a change to the Learners Subject Objectives block to ensure results are retrieved when the Tags field is included even if there are no tags setup.   

  • Increased the default timeout on various charts to allow the data to load with enough time before erroring.

  • Fixed various issue and improved functionality for users.
    • Employee and Line Manager fields will now highlight red if no one is selected.
    • A message will be shown when no Line Manager or Employee is selected when attempting to save or sign.
    • When signing off, the form will also save to prevent data loss.

  • Fixed an issue where Abandoned/Archived targets would not output correctly in Block Reports on Core and Subject blocks.

  • Fixed an issue where Student Documents were not correctly filtering by Date Linked.

  • MIS permission names have been updated to include "Block Reporting" for clarity and user friendliness as the permissions are used for both MIS and Block.  

  • Fixed an issue where Block Reporting sub category names were not being generated correctly in the dropdown. 

  • Made a minor adjustment, removing the "Example - Please delete before use" on row 2 on the Target Cache Example Template to make it more user-friendly.

  • Fixed issue where reporting on Student Funding block could return a blank report in Block Reporting.

  • Implemented a fix to ensure Residential setting matches between Application Record and Student Record.

  • Included a "Include All Failed Logins" toggle to maintain current functionality and allow the user an option.   

  • Resolved an issue where the detailed error message was not displayed correctly when attempting to delete a principal site on the student record.

  • Removed the duplicate Passport Number field from the Block Report fields list.  

  • Fixed an issue with the Excel Report putting values into incorrect columns in some instances.

  • Fixed issue within Student Diary functionality. when setting multiple days, only the first day would be updated on the Day Attendance. This has now been fixed and will update all days attached to the Diary entry.  

  • Fixed an issue where manually achieving or un-achieving a target would result in a reversed audit for the true/false before and after.
    • This is a fix going forward so will only apply to new records.

  • Fixed issue where Subject Target manual achieve/un-achieve were being recorded as Core Target changes, preventing them from being displayed in the Audit Log. 
    • This is a fix going forward so will only apply to new records.

  • Event Log Template Print filename has been updated to include Event ID, Student Name and Student ID.
    • This makes it easier to keep track when printing large amounts of events to templates.

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