June Patch Notes 2024

Posted 3 months ago by Richard Wood

Richard Wood Admin

Version: - Deploying on Tuesday 4th June

New Additions

  • Two new policies have been added under Targets and Goals to filter both LTG/MTG on the Goals page independently 
    • Default Academic Year (Long Term Goal) to current year
    • Default Academic Year (Medium Term Goal) to current year

  • New Policy added to Care Plan Policies -> 'Count Indirect Therapy towards allocated therapy time'.

  • New Policy added under Targets & Goals -> 'Update Score option when editing Achievement'. This will allow users with the Student - Target Edit' perm to update Evidence Achievement Scores.

  • New Policy added under Targets and Goals -> 'Show Objectives on the Evidence Browser' This will show the objective text next to the target heading in the Evidence Browser.

  • New 'Review information' button added to Likes/Dislikes on a Student Record.

  • Word printout option for the 'Goals Report' (found by going to a student goals screen > options > 'Goals Report') has been added.  

  • Student Custom Tab 1,2 and 3 are now available via block reporting. (Student Block and Student Study Programme Block)

  • Updated School2School Report following new government changes published.  

  • Staff Job titles now automatically update Current Post field.  


  • Fixed issue where loading an event from the Add Event widget was not correctly loading Body Maps.


  • Added QOL additions to the Staff End Employment function.

  • Refactored Parent Portal Upload to fix an error when saving certain Images / Videos.

  • Ensured Externally Submitted Evidence Tutor filter gets current Additional Tutor Links.

  • Day Attendance - 'Show Attendance Not Set' checkbox will now sort day attendance students correctly.

  • Fixed an error that occurred when trying to delete a file from Care Plan related files.

  • Fixed an issue causing Staff to receive multiple duplicate emails for singular holiday requests.

  • The Permissions area will now automatically set the site dropdown to the current site when accessing the screen.

  • Resolved issue where Event Log Text Report, Chart report and Governance Report were not matching in count if there were linked events in the date range chosen. All areas should now match. 

  • Fixed an issue where the Initial Assessment Manager Module was not appearing in the list with the relevant Read Only permission.

  • Fixed an issue where Local Authority names were not being displayed on Event Log Text Reports.

  • Fixed an issue where Externally Submitted Evidence attached files would be lost when added/transferred into evidence as Incidental Learning.

  • Fixed issue where Holiday Change/Cancellation Request Break Hours were defaulting to 0.

  • Increased Baseline Scoring label character limit.

  • Fixed issue with Attendance Tracking filtering on Site and Attendance Status.  

  • Fixed issue where Print Observation was outputting some incorrect data on Subject targets.  

  • Fix an issue causing the Immersive Reader to error and cease operating.

  • Bulk Set Site Access has been altered to increase security.

  • Added Care Plan Quick permission to the Care Plan Quick module so it's actually visible with its designated permission.

  • Changed Application excel export date fields to output in date format instead of string.

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