November Developments '23

Posted 8 months ago by Harrigan Phillips

Harrigan Phillips Admin

Here are the most recent developments made to Databridge, released 04/12/23

Event Logs

  • The Events Requiring Sign off widget now displays the Status of any event that requires sign off.

  • If a notification is sent for an event that doesn't concern a learner, the title of the notification will read as 'Event'.

Staff Records

  • The Security tab on a staff record now has two permissions, one for Read only, and one for Edit - Staff - Security Tab Read Only.

Learner Records

  • Any evidence that has been submitted by a learner via the Learner Portal can now be uploaded as Incidental Learning.

  • New Student Notifications added, triggered when a:
    • Target is achieved
    • Target is archived
    • The due date for a Target is changed

These notifications can be found in Administration > Stu. Notifications.

Goals and Targets

  • When viewing a learner's Goals screen, when viewing Achieved Targets, the Actual Target Score will also show for each target in the table displayed.

Care Plans

  • A new permission has been added for Care Plan - Quick to enable access to this area - without this permission users won't be able to access the Care Plan Quick screen.

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