September Developments 2023

Posted 10 months ago by Harrigan Phillips

Harrigan Phillips Admin

Here are the most recent developments made to Databridge, to be released 06/10/2023

Staff Records

  • The registration number recorded on a staff record can now be printed alongside the rest of the details under the Personal tab on the Staff Info Sheet printout

  • SCR – You can now specify which staff training records pull through to the Single Central Record

  • SLASC report - You can now specify which Job Titles are Teaching and Non-teaching roles in Standard Values (Staff Values > Job Titles).

Learner Records

  • The Department for a learner now appears on the ‘List of Consents’ report

  • You can now attach documents to comments made against a Gatsby benchmark on a learner’s Work experience page

  • The learner overview on the Find Learner screen now displays the address of the learner if the learner is residential

  • New field added to the ‘List of Qualifications’ report in the learner common reports menu – the LAR code for each qualification now appears on the report

  • New checkbox on the Personal tab of a learner record, ‘Has SEN’. Also, a new policy added in Standard Values > Defaults > Site Settings > “Use SEN and EHCP options in Student Record for SLASC submission”. When this policy is enabled and the checkox is ticked, the SLASC report draws values from this checkbox rather than the ILR

  • Notes box added to the Review Meeting Actions area

  • Character limit increase for the Notes section on the learner CRM screen

  • You can now attach the Delivery Location Postcode to a learner's qualification from the Qualification Management screen or the individual learner qualification screen - this will feed directly through to the ILR  

  • Evidence that has been recorded for any Subject based targets now show the subject on the evidence entry and printout


  • When viewing the Attendance by Week report on the Day Attendance Dashboard, any weeks that coincide with a Holiday Set will display the holiday set for the respective week

Block Reporting

  • “Part Achieved” fields are now available as in the Targets (Core) and Targets (Subject) blocks

  • All custom fields for a contact entry on a learner record are now available as fields in the ‘Learner Contacts’ block

  • ‘Teaching Role’ field added to the Staff block

Care Plans

  • New permission check added for Care Logs – users will need one of the following:
  • Care log – Admin
  • Care log – Edit
  • Care log – Edit All    

            In order to change the status of a care log

  • New permission – “Staff – Student Settings” – without this permission, users wont be able to make changes to the Food/Fluid/Monitoring options on the Care Log

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