August Developments 2023

Posted 11 months ago by Harrigan Phillips

Harrigan Phillips Admin

Here are the most recent developments made to Databridge, to be released 05/09/2023


  • 'Care Plan Templates' now appears as an option in Module Manager to show/hide in the left-hand navigation bar

Event Log

  • The 'Others Involved' field in the Main Details box has been added as a Global Bookmark 

Session Manager

  • The Learner/Staff ratio now appears when viewing Sessions in Template Mode on Session Manager
  • When Bulk editing sessions, you now have the option to select which days of the week you wish for changes to apply to (see the 'Apply within range' field on the Bulk Edit screen for more)

Day Attendance

  • The Day Attendance Dashboard now has a filter option for Residential/Day students

Care Plans

  • Staff links are now available as bookmarks for Care Plan Templates
  • The fields 'Principal Disability', 'Disabilities' (Disability tab) and 'Sexual Orientation' (Confidential Data area) are now available as bookmarks for Care Plan templates
  • Any documents added to a Care Statement now have the option to download and view from the 'Related Files' tab of a Care Statement. The option to view attached documents also now appears in the Care Statement list next to the file itself
  • When running the 'Print Changes' report, the categories for statements are now included on the printout and clearly defined
  • Contact information for any contacts marked as 'Emergency' are now available in Care Plan template bookmarks
  • The Local Authority field (found on the External tab of a learner record) is now available as a bookmark for Care Plan templates
  • The Social Worker field (found on the External tab of a learner record) is now available as a bookmark for Care Plan templates 
  • The email address for GP contacts is now available as a bookmark for Care Plan templates 

Learner Records

  • In Administration > Student Notifications, you can now select a learner department or programme as the notification criteria.
  • To allow for copy and pasting from other sources, spaces are now added as part of the validation check for the NHS and NI number fields, on the Personal tab of the learner record

Block Reporting

Please be aware that where reference to the 'Learner' block is made, your system may use a different terminology (Student/PWS/etc.)

  • The contact details (phone and email) for Local Education Authority Contacts now appear as an option in the 'Learner' block 
  • The Rota Manager checkbox is now a Field option for the 'Staff' block
  • The 'EHCP Date' and 'EHCP Review Date' fields found on the Personal tab of a Learner record are now available as fields under the Learner block
  • The 'Maths Condition of Funding' and 'English Condition of Funding' fields found on the Personal tab of a learner record, as well as on the ILR, are now available in the Learner Block, as well as the Learner Funding Block
  • The 'Master Category' and 'Notes' fields for learner disabilities (recorded on the Disability tab) are now available in the Learner Disabilities block
  • The following information are now available as fields in the 'Targets (Core) and 'Targets (Subject) blocks:
  • "Evidence - Observation Text"
  • "Evidence - Observation Entered Date"
  • "Evidence - Observation Entered By"
  • "Evidence - Observation Objective Text"
  • "Evidence - Achievement Text"
  • "Evidence - Achievement Entered Date"
  • "Evidence - Achievement Entered By"
  • "Evidence - Achievement Objective Text"
  • "Tutor"

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