July Developments

Posted 12 months ago by Harrigan Phillips

Harrigan Phillips Admin

Here is a list of the developments made to Databridge in July:

Learner Portal

  • New filters available on the Learner Portal when viewing targets, allowing learners to sort targets by: In Progress, Achieved, Not Started.
  • When viewing Targets on the Learner Portal, it will default to the current academic year
  • Text size has been increased on the Targets and Goals page

Event Logs

  • New filter on the Find Event screen that allows you to filter by Residential Building. To access this, go to Ev. Log > Find Event > ‘View Options’

Block Reporting

  • New field added to the ‘Student’ block: ‘Basic - Full Address’. This field pulls through all address fields at once
  • New field added to the ‘Staff’ block: ‘Confidential – Teacher Reference Number’ is now available (field found on the ‘Confidential 2’ tab of a staff record)
  • New field added to the ‘Staff’ block: ‘Middle Name’ – Pulls through the staff middle name as recorded on their Contact tab

Staff Records

  • You can now bulk apply Timetable Scales to multiple Staff records at once. To do this, go to Staff > List > File > ‘Bulk Set Timetable Scales’

Goals and Targets

  • You can now print the evidence for an observation when viewing the evidence timeline for a target or objective by using the pencil icon next to the entry you wish to print
  • When using the Evidence Browser, you can now filter by subject – this looks at any evidence recorded via Session Plans for the chosen subject, as well as where a subject link has been added to a target

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