March Developments '23

Posted over 1 year ago by Harrigan Phillips

Harrigan Phillips Admin

To be released 05/04/23

Day Attendance

  • New ‘Number of Days attended’ report available. This report counts either an AM and/or PM status and calculates the number of times that a learner has turned up to college

  • New Summary Attendance Report available for National Curriculum Years

School Census

  • New School Census settings screen. Found in Reporting > Reports Menu > ‘Exports’ area. (You will need the School Census permission to view this).

Event Log

  • New Incidental Learning area available for Event Logs. In the defaults section of Event Category setup, you can now select the ‘Incidental Learning Option’. This adds a new section to the Event log form that takes you directly to the Incidental Learning screen for the learner selected.

  • When reordering fields within a section of an Event Log, a drag and drop function has been applied

Work Force Collection

  • New bulk setting options on the Workforce Collection screen. Found in Reporting > Reports Menu > ‘Exports’ area. Click ‘File’ and select the bulk edit option to apply values to the WFC in bulk. (This will not overwrite existing values, only set all unset values)

Evidence Browser

  • On the evidence browser, a new Excel export feature has been added. This will print the evidence displayed (including pictures) into an excel document

Learner Records

  • The ‘NI Number’ (recorded on the Personal tab of a learner record) is now an option when printing the ‘Info Sheet’ for a learner.

  • New option on the ILP to print any recorded EHCP Outcomes

  • New report available in the Learner Common Reports section – This report will export to Excel a list of the Positive Support Plans for each learner

  • Risk Assessments – a new ‘Next Review Date’ field has been added. When viewing the Risk Assessments for a learner, click on the ‘Review Info’ button to bring up review details. The new field here allows you to schedule the next review for a risk assessment

  • Incidental Learning – When adding Incidental Learning to a learner record, the Curriculum Areas are now navigated using the expand button

  • Learning Styles – You can now archive Learning Styles recorded on a learner record, as well as attach documents to a Learning Style.

  • Learning Styles – You can now specify which Learning Styles you wish to appear in the Session Plan pop-up

  • Applications – You can now assign Actions to a staff member (this will also send them an email notification)

  • You can now choose if you want to show the learner profile picture on the Learner Access Portal or not via a checkbox; found by going to a learner record > Edit > IT Details

Staff Records

  • On the SCR, when exporting to Excel, the ‘check columns’ (eg: DBS checks) will now return either ‘checked’ or blank, rather than TRUE/FALSE

  • Staff Policies – New option to archive Staff policies

Absence Manager

  • Holiday Entitlement now carries over to the next year when it has been set using an entitlement template. (Access the Staff Absence Manager > View > ‘Holiday Entitlement Templates’ for more information)

Care Plan

  • On Care Plan detailed, any audio or video files attached to a statement will now show a preview when clicked

  • You can now reorder images, documents and other related files that have been saved to a Care Statement

Baseline Manager

  • You can now filter Baseline Assessments on the Curriculum Area Tracker using Target Tags. A ‘tag’ field is available when selecting a learner and curriculum area. If any of the targets listed have a target tag link as specified in the Target Cache in Standard Values, these will then appear on screen

Progress Tracking

  • You can now transfer any evidence recorded from one objective to another. This only applies to evidence submitted as an observation

  • New option available for Student Notifications (found in the Administration module). This allows you to set up an auto notification when a target for a learner has been achieved

Block Reporting

  • For the Target and Objective blocks in Block Reporting, you can now add ‘Tags’ as a criteria filter

  • New field options available in the Staff block for Declarations of Interest – you can now show Options and Comments as recorded on the Staff record

  • New fields added to the Learner Applications block – Previous School/Programme/Local Authority

  • New filters available for the Learner and Staff Blocks, that allows you to filter by age

Standard Values

  • The Achievement/Event Log Text defaults (found in the ‘Defaults’ section of Standard Values) will now appear as placeholder text, rather than default text

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