January Developments

Posted almost 2 years ago by Richard Allwood

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Richard Allwood Admin

To be released 01/02/2023, the latest update for Databridge will contain the following developments:


  • My Data widget will indicate any Lalemand Behaviour records whereby the review date is due within the next month or has passed.

Event Log

  • When using the Others Involved area, a new option will allow you to determine if instead of the events created being linked together, you wish them to all be added as completely separate individual events.
  • On Notification Setup screen, new option to view what notifications are likely for a selected member of staff. This will check across all categories and any potential staff links.


  • When reviewing externally submitted evidence, you can now edit the submitted text before submission.


  • New configuration option on Buildings in Standard Values to define them as Employability locations. On Session Creator, a new filter will allow you to list only those buildings identified as such.
  • New configuration option on Disabilities in Standard Values to show them on Attendance as well as using which colour. On Day/Session attendance screens those selected whereby individual has that Disability will highlight a small block in selected colour next to their name.

Care/Support Plan

  • Add event button added next to filters for event listings.
  • Updated by label displays Known As if applicable.
  • New configuration option in Standard Values for Care Plan Links. Any selected here will display on the Care Plan screen to navigate accordingly.


  • Search option added to Staff Policies screen.
  • Investigation records can now list event logs related to that investigation (access pending).
  • Paid and Adjusted fields added to Holiday Entitlement.
  • New field for Line Manager (2nd). This will operate in the same manner as the Line Manager field.

Baseline Assessments

  • On creating a reassessment, if choosing to include new items from the Cache, this will now also check Targets from other skills and areas related to the currently selected Targets, instead of just the relevant skill.
  • On creating a reassessment, you can decide to reallocate the scoring to other staff.
  • For existing assessments, you can now reallocate the staff assigned directly. This will not reset any scores already set!

Initial Assessments

  • New configuration area in Standard Values to create custom questions/fields. These will display when writing any comments.


  • New system label added for changing the Application Status label.
  • New policies added to control certain tabs/fields from displaying.


  • Dietary needs and notes added to Student block.
  • Completion Due date added as filter on Target block.


  • Holiday Dates screen changed to display calendar type views for highlighting and selecting dates.
  • ILR Manager (Grid), bulk edit has two new options for choosing to update empty/unset fields or ALL, as well as selecting which rows you wish to update.

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