Recent Forum - Updates

Posted over 2 years ago by Richard Allwood

Richard Allwood Admin

A big thank you to all those that joined the forum at Argent College yesterday. It was great to get these running in person again after Covid and yesterday proved how much better we can communicate compared to remote sessions. 

For those that attempted to join remotely and for those that were unable to attend, please find the below summary from the event.

Care/Support Plans

  • Briefly explained what and how Plans are used
  • Demonstrated recent changes made such as
    - Quick View for Mobiles
    - Indicators for Staff to mark they have read statements after they have been edited
    - Linking to Risk Assessments
    - Creating Risk Assessments in general
  • Discussed ideas/requests including:
    - Audit Report for 'Seen' Statements as above
    - Calendar icon for overdue Review Dates so as not to conflate with changed Statements indicator
    - Read only access to Care Plan
    - Parents to indicate they have 'Seen' statements
    - Parents to see Care Plan at selected milestones
    - Parent Portal - Select which individuals can see Care Plan
    - Option for some Statements to be hidden from Quick View
    - Mark all Statements as 'Seen'

Work Experience

  • Demonstrated recent changes made such as
    - Gatsby Benchmark tab, commentary and linked Targets/Evidence
    - Viewing related Sessions in Timetable
    - Careers/Employability Dashboard
  • Discussed new Employer Portal which is due to be completed during 2023 pending feedback from customers and employers who partake in testing. Features discussed and requested included:
    - Showing Risk Assessments
    - Showing Care Plans
    - Sessions/Timetable related to employer to provide schedule
    - Digital forms
    - Evidence recording
    - Document sharing such as agreements, insurance documents etc that may have expiry dates


  • Discussed our plans to look at re-evaluating the layout and processes of the current Qualifications screen for individuals
  • Potential features/requests made during this:
    - Having global units as well as Units linked under Qualifications
    - Linking global units to multiple Qualifications
    - On adding, option to add via Units whereby the Qualifications they are linked to and the number of credits they build up to will determine which Qualifications to add as well
    - As above and when adding, specify number of mandatory units required from that list
    - Filters for Qualifications Manager to show by Exam Group, Type, In Progress, Achieved
    - A look at locking down altering dates for Qualifications 

During the course of the day, there were some additional items discussed briefly that are worth taking note of:

  • Users unaware that on the Forums on this portal, they can click the 'Follow' option at the top of any category (such as Announcements) to receive email notifications about posts made there. We recommend this to anyone wanting to keep an eye on any of the areas here.
  • Explained how new Development Requests should display under the Feature Requests area of the Forum to allow discussion and clarity of what is being requested and implemented.
  • Suggested that after monthly updates are released, a scheduled drop-in session on the first available friday will be posted under the Events area of the Forum to allow users to ask questions about any new changes.

In summary, we agreed on the next forum being around 3 months time where the above details can be rediscussed following any changes made by ourselves, as well as any new items to discuss.  If you have any questions or further comments on the above please let us know or comment below.

We are now looking for the next customer that can let us know as soon as possible, if they would be happy to host the next forum. If you are interested please get in touch with Databridge directly.

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