October Development

Posted almost 2 years ago by Richard Allwood

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Richard Allwood Admin

To be released evening of 31/10/2022, this new update will contain the following developments made during the month of October:


  • PEEP - Can now have multiple entries. Building, Room, Last Reviewed, Next Review and Actions added. New widget for next review items.
  • Mental Capacity Assessments - Option to attach document.
  • Add Reward option added to Day attendance screen and Session Details screen.
  • Work Experience - Gatsby Benchmark tab changed to include panels for each stage, commentary added and any related Targets.
  • Room History - Residential room location and dates only changeable via button.


  • New option to fully delete Target (must be Archived first).
  • Evidence Browser - Tag filter checks individual Achievement/Observation tags.
  • New toggle on Goals screen to display Achieved Targets.
  • New Policy to disable setting the Actual Score the same as the Predicted Score when adding new Targets.
  • New Gatsby Benchmark field to associate Target with.
  • New Attitude to Learning field added to Targets, Qualifications and Units (Related to new Tracking Matrix report, see under Reports below).
  • Tutor filter on Externally Submitted Evidence widget.
  • Option to remove any unwanted Externally Submitted Evidence.
  • Incidental Learning print using date range selections.

Risk Assessments

  • Untick all option when adding Hazards.
  • Score/RAG now displayed in header.
  • Score and Severity can now be configured in Standard Values.
  • Option to sort by Score.
  • RAG displayed in colour and now auto set when changing Score x Severity. Colours are configured in KPI Settings in Standard Values.

Care Plans

  • Show linked Risks in the Statement list.
  • Output linked Risks on Print.
  • When linking Risks, all related additional columns now editable.
  • Now defaults to no individual being pre-selected.

Baseline Assessments

  • New Templates option in Baseline Manager file options. Can configure, add, delete templates here.
  • New option to create Baselines from Template screen, useful for bulk adding across individuals.
  • Delete option is now an Archive option for restoration purposes.
  • CA Tracker - Option to add Reassessment from this screen.
  • CA Tracker - Curriculum Area dropdown applicable based on selected Baseline.
  • CA Tracker - View changed to allow fixed columns and scroll to right for multiple re-assessments of larger length.
  • CA Tracker - Update score without refresh of list.
  • New tab on Student to list Baseline scores by Area 

Review of Progress

  • On adding new comments, person responsible will receive email notification.
  • Exclude Subjects option when auto generating comments.


  • Programme display option on Master Timetable print.
  • Option to list by Room Order on Master Timetable print.


  • New permission for General Address access only.
  • New permission for Parent/External Logons to split from Security permission.
  • New permission to allow read only access to Initial Assessments Manager.
  • Access to Timetable Scales/Holiday Dates available if have Session Manager permission.


  • When requesting holiday, message will prompt if clashes with dates in holiday sets
  • Type filter on Staff Appraisal tab. Will show only most recently added when used.
  • New widget for Staff Diary to see items for current week.
  • Monthly absence tabular calendar - Display holidays from any holiday sets for comparison.
  • New Policy to disable selecting Rota/Other notifications on Staff Absence.


  • Filter for Entered By on Find Event screen.
  • Search text box available for when adding Others Involved.
  • If Others Involved listed and changing Status on an existing Event, prompt will appear asking if you want to update all.


  • Filters added to Day/Session Attendance Dashboards
  • True time in Sessions now displays No. Times Late column.
  • Achievement filter added to Training block reports.
  • Archived filter added to Goals/Targets block reports.
  • Continuous Service Date added to Staff block reports.
  • Display student photo on MIS outputs.
  • New Word output on MIS reports.
  • EHCP Outcome report - Lists linked Goals.
  • NEW - Tracking Matrix screen. Found in the Achievement panel of the Reporting Menu. This new screen lets you select Individuals and gives a choice of Target, Qual or Unit. When selected you will get a matrix grid of each relevant area including Name, Attitude, Status and Score/Qual Status. The items in the grid can also be directly updated if you have relevant permission.

Planned Developments for November Update

Please note these are intended for November but are subject to change and not a guarantee these will be completed during that period. Depending on progress, additional or urgent developments may also be included.

  • Additional columns listed on Salary Dashboard.
  • Option to shortcut Block/MIS/Event reports
  • Specific prints for customers (e.g. Care Plan, ROPS)
  • Pronouns included on specific reports.
  • Linking event fields and Care Plan statements (ongoing development *).
  • Qualification/Work Experience forum - Please see Events area on forum.
  • Learner Portal changes for Digital Forms, Replying to messages and filters for Targets (ongoing development +).
  • Baselines - CA Tracker - Excel exports into single sheet.
  • Additional filters on Holiday Templates.
  • New policy for enable/disable holiday notifications.
  • Bulk add/generate Student logons.
  • CRM screen updates and changes.
  • Bulk print Timetables into single file.
  • Add certificate option directly on training screen.
  • Incidental Learning option on Evidence Submission screen.
  • All Sites option on Residence Manager.
  • MAR Sheets direct on Care/Learner.
  • Update attendance when setting Holiday.
  • New Block Report option for Job History.
  • Rota Manager - Swap shifts option and filter for Agency Staff.
  • New fields on Staff for Opt outs and Agency Staff.
  • New option to link a previous staff record to a new one (to seperate old data from new if someone rejoins)
  • Holiday report adjustment for hours.
  • Session Attendance tab on Student (similar to Day Attendance one added).
  • New filters on Day/Session Attendance Dashboards.
  • ILR Re-include option for excluded individuals.
  • New widgets to display charts for Day/Residential and Disability.
  • New Export Sessions report.
  • Governance builder - Option to list event details as well.
  • ILR Manager Wizard. A new and ongoing development * to look at giving the ILR Manager area a refresh. Please request joining the potential forum posted under the announcements area,

* Likely to continue over multiple months due to size/complexity

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