September Development

Posted almost 2 years ago by Richard Allwood

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Richard Allwood

Released 03/10/2022, this update contains the following developments:

New Accessibility Options

  • My Defaults - Options for Invert Colours, Font Size and Colour Theme added.
    Note: Colour themes are intended for accessibility/visual impairments
  • Immersive Reader icon added to top bar of Databridge. Will read aloud only content area and not menus, popups etc.


  • Goals screen now displays current Score on list view with colour as per Targets screen.
  • Programme field now has a history option to record previous values without using Audit Log.
  • Offsite Forms - New option to copy.
  • Offsite Forms - If approved, the Party Leader will receive an email notification.
  • Offsite Forms - Now ordered from newest to oldest.
  • Personal Items - New fields added including Owned By and Maintenance.
  • Qualifications - Audit Log added for changes (including when changed on ILR).
  • Room History - Edit/Delete options added.
  • Add Reward option added to both Day Attendance screen and Session Details screen.
  • Export option added to Find Learner screen options.


  • Staff Policies - On adding Policies when the email trigger is sent, it will display a different message depending on if the user needs to Accept it.
  • Rota Manager - For Master Rotas, you can now specify between 1-4 weeks to display at once.
  • Rota Manager - Set specific location for Staff.
  • SLASC - Now takes values from the system where possible.
  • New Salary Dashboard on Reporting Menu. Will list Staff jobs and salaries and pending feedback for further changes/actions. Further development planned during August.
  • Appraisals - Email notification to Line Manager when Appraisal accepted.


  • Block Reports - Added NC Year field.
  • Block Reports - New block added for Offsite Forms.
  • Block Reports - Date format set when exporting to Excel.
  • Widget - Unachieved Objectives - Print option added.
  • New Governance Report Builder. Found in Reporting menu under College Reports. Ability to add multiple areas such as Targets, Events, Attendance and Block Reports to create one large overall report for use.
    We are looking for feedback and further options desired to expand upon this type of reporting setup.


  • Care Statements - Ability to reorder custom questions added.
  • Care Statements - Custom questions added to Template options.
  • Care Plan Quick View - Statement details listed without need to click into to view.


  • Template Mode - Transferring to live refactored to display in progress view when running.

Event Log

  • New policy added to hide all details bar URL in notification

Planned Developments for October Update

Please note these are intended for October but are subject to change and not a guarantee these will be completed during that period. Depending on progress, additional or urgent developments may also be included.
During September we received the largest amount of support and development requests than in recent years so there may be some developments listed below that will need to carry over into the next month.

  • Risk Assessment change to display RAG and SxF on List View. Options to order by SxF, show risk in RAG colour and auto set RAG based on SxF
  • Risk Assessment change for SxF to be Standard Value options.
  • Care Plans - When linking risks, view all relevant fields for entry as per Risk Assessment screen.
  • Care Plans - Display linked Risks on main view (i.e. without having to go into Statement to view).
  • Care Plans - Default to no Student selected.
  • PEEP - Multiple entries per Student (carried from September).
  • Event Log - Option to set fields such as Weight/Height/Eye colour etc as fields that will write back to Student.
  • Event Log - Potential change to allow Cascading Line Manager access to view only if Staff in chain.
  • Event Log - Programme sub titles as email trigger option.
  • Event Log - Entered by as filter in reporting.
  • New permissions to split various logon administration screens e.g. Student Logons, Parent Logons, External Logons etc.
  • Baseline Assessments - Template setup area including apply to multiple Students, Add reassessment from CA Tracker screen, Add evidence directly, Scrollable area for larger no. of assessments, change scores without refresh, archive option.
  • Holiday Entitlement - Option to make certain days unavailable e.g. Training/Inset days.
  • Further filters to be added to both Attendance dashboard screens.
  • Sessions - New report for Learners late to Sessions, how often and how long.
  • ROP Manager - Email notifications sent to assigned commenters.
  • ROP Manager - Option to exclude some Subjects when auto creating comments.
  • Mental Capacity Assessments - Attach documents option.
  • Master Timetable - Display Programme option.
  • Master Timetable - Display by Room order.
  • Audits on SMS/Email Announcements.
  • Various print changes (fields added, slight layout change, custom prints etc). 
  • Learner Rewards - Add in bulk option.
  • Dashboard - Widget for Learner Diary.
  • Block Reports - Option to shortcut.
  • Salary Dashboard - Show Start/End dates, Payroll No, Department, Category, Salary scale point at currently, hourly rate to 4 decimals.
  • Staff Absence Monthly Calendar - Display college holiday dates.
  • Work Experience - Change Gatsby Benchmark recording method, option to select a GB value on Targets and Incidental Learning to relate them.
  • Display Baseline chart on Learner Portal.
  • IA Manager - Read only permission.
  • Tracking Matrix - New reporting screen to view Targets, Qualifications or Units and display matrix for Learner, Attitude to Learning, Score/Status, Outcome (e.g. pending, achieved, internally verified)

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