School Census - Autumn 2022

Posted almost 2 years ago by Richard Allwood

Richard Allwood

To those using the school census, please note that on Tuesday 13th September this will be available to update for Autumn 2022.

There are a few changes from the latest specification to be aware of that we have made changes for:

  • Young Carer indicator. First expected to be collected in spring 2023, a new field will be available to enter this on the Student Site record in Databridge as per the other census fields.
  • Alternative provision - Company number and placement postcode. New fields to be collected in spring 2023, these have been added to the AP record area in Databridge.
  • Post looked after arrangements (PLAA) has a new code of "0 - Ceased to be looked after through adopted from state care outside of England and Wales". Code will be available in current PLAA dropdown in Databridge.
  • Alternative Provision will become mandatory from spring 2023. 

Please also find attached to this post the appropriate files supplied by DfE for Autumn 2022. 

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