August Development

Posted almost 2 years ago by Richard Allwood

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Richard Allwood

To be released 01/09/2022, this update contains the following developments:


  • Student Applications - new area in Standard Values called Application Custom Fields. Similar to Event Log, you can add text, tickbox, dropdown type fields to collect additional fields as required. Any fields added will appear under a new tab called Custom on each Application.
  • New field - Out of Year, added to Student record.
  • Student Site now listed in Event Log notifications.
  • Funding - Decimal points now available in Weeks per Year field. Search option and filter for Local Authority added to List screen.
  • Work Experience - Planned End date field added.
  • Labels added for Likes/Dislikes.
  • New Automated Key Stage field displayed on Student record.
  • Shared Care Statements area moved to its own tab on Student record.
  • Medications available to add to Event Log Templates.
  • New Student Notification trigger options added - Home Postcode and Social Worker.


  • Similar to Achievements, when recording Observations you can now update the Target score in the process. The same policies and Score history functionality apply.
  • Additional filters added to Targets I Teach reports in reporting menu.


  • FTE on Job History displays calculated information for use. Requires new College Hours policy to be set if different from default.
  • Changes to DBS Ref/Date etc now recorded in a DBS history area, located next to fields and on Single Central Record.
  • Single Central Record screen adjusted so Edit Mode button no longer used. Simply click relevant grid cell to modify value.
  • Rota Manager - When adding new Rotas, you can now select relevant shifts rather than all being automatically listed. This also includes setting number of people required on each shift.
  • Rota Manager - Category filter added when selecting Staff, ability to change Labels for toggle option descriptions, Absence type displayed if any Staff Absence recorded.


  • Day Attendance Dashboard - new Holiday Set Override filter added for when looking at past years data.
  • When bulk updating Day Attendance, new confirmation required that lists the changes that will be made before proceeding.
  • Additional filters added to Staff Absence Dashboard.


  • Year changed to 2022 as default selected.
  • New Audit Log area under File Menu for reviewing changes.


  • New filter for Essential Staffing Requirements added on Staff selection.


  • Add Event option added to Residence Manager.
  • Additional Bookmarks added to Care Plan Templates.


  • Summative list of Outcomes report now includes Actual Score of Target.
  • Block Reports - Student Funding - Start/End date fields added.
  • Block Reports - Students - Login Username field added.
  • New report - Governance Report Builder, found in reporting menu under College Reports. This new screen lets you select various areas such as Attendance, Targets and Events, to output to MS Word including charts. Intended for use as a custom College Report required at regular times. Uses Term Dates and Site for filter, contact us if you'd like a demonstration.

Planned Developments for September Update:

Please note these are intended for September but are subject to change and not a guarantee these will be completed during that period. Depending on progress, additional or urgent developments may also be included.

  • PEEP - Multiple entries per Student, fields - Building, Room, Last Reviewed, Next Review to be added, new widget for displaying Reviews due.
  • New options added to Info Sheet including NI Number and Home Settings.
  • Event Log Data Dropdown - Multi-select ability to be added.
  • Scores listed on Goals screen including colour coding as per Targets screen.
  • Changes to Staff Policy notifications including Category and Acceptance required.
  • Staff Rota - multiple week setup.
  • Staff Rota - Specify individual location for Staff on shift.
  • Student Programme details to have new history area.
  • SLASC update - details to be automatically updated by Staff records.
  • Block report field additions. Also including excel date format change.
  • Custom prints for various customers.
  • Offsite Forms - copy option.
  • Personal Items - Owned By and Maintenance fields.
  • Staff HR/Pay/Salary screen/dashboard. To see/update Job Detail information in one place.
  • Care Statements - Reorder custom questions.
  • Care Statements - Add custom questions to Templates.
  • Care Plan - Quick View, see all statements in list than click each one.
  • Improved audit log on Qualifications.
  • Planning of forum on Qualifications, not a development but meeting with customers.
  • Historic residential room entries.
  • Session Templates - Changes to Import to Live for Progress, notify when done, clash check, speed improvements.

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Richard Allwood posted almost 2 years ago

Last minute additions: 

  • ILR output adjusted for Off the Job Training Hours and LDFM end dates
  • Timetable Room tick now used as filter on Session Creator, please adjust rooms accordingly or ask us for a bulk update.

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