March Patch Notes 2024

Posted 11 months ago by Richard Wood

Richard Wood Admin

Version: - Deploying on Tuesday 2nd April

User Experience Improvements

We received feedback regarding multiple fields within the application displaying default values that users were having to manually go into and delete or replace before saving (For example, when creating some reports 'Report Name' was the default title and was present in the text field). We have altered multiple fields within the application to instead display 'Placeholder' text so that users no longer have to go into a text box and delete a default value before adding their own (Using the same example as previous, Report Name will still display in the text box, but as background placeholder text that simply shows up as guidance for what can go in the field, and does not have to be deleted or overwritten).

Event Log:

Event Log Body Maps default text has been changed to placeholder text.

Block Reporting:

When creating a new Block Report, the Name field default text has been changed to placeholder text. Will now also prompt user to enter a report name if not entered.

When adding Datasets, Dataset Name default text "Dataset 1" is now a placeholder. Placeholder wording will depend on system label for Dataset. Dataset name will still be saved as the default if not changed. 

Staff Record:

- Contacts Tab - Removed unnecessary First Name and Surname default text when adding new contact.

Student Record:

- Benefits Tab - When adding new Benefit Entries, Amount field default zero is now a placeholder. Will still be saved as 0 if not entered to prevent potential null issues.

- External Tab - When adding new funding records via 'Add Funding' button, Full fee for year, Element 1, 2 ,3 & Agreed Equipment Cost fields default zeroes are now placeholders. Will be still saved as 0 if not entered to prevent potential null issues.

- Personal Tab - Changed default zeroes to placeholders on Exemption Number, HC2 Exemption Number, Residential Weeks and Nights/Wk, Shoe (Left), Shoe (Right), Height, Weight & Heart Rate fields when adding a new student

- Destination Tab - When adding new destination records via 'Add Post College Destination' button, the Amount & Collection Period fields default zeroes are now placeholders. Will still be saved as 0 if not entered to prevent potential null issues. Field types changed to number for up/down arrows.

- Daily Tab - Changed default zeroes to placeholders on Contract Hours and Days Absent to Report when adding a new student.


Care Statements - Add New Question - "Enter question text" default text is now a placeholder. 

Care Plan:

"Custom statement" default text when adding a custom statement is now a placeholder. 

Session Manager:

When creating sessions, the Weekly Recurrence field default value '1' is now a placeholder. To prevent issues, if this is not changed, sessions will still be created with the default value of '1'. 

We are constantly looking to improve the user experience within Databridge so suggestions are always welcome. We believe we have covered the bulk of the fields that require swapping to placeholder values but if any have been missed please do let us know!

New Additions

  • Sharing an Event Log will now send an email notification to any/all relevant staff. 
    • This will work with both the Staff and Group options.

  • Added Review Date History excel report for Care Plan Detailed, and ability to view the history on-screen.
    • Found on a student Care Plan, it will be found under the Options button -> Review details.

  • Removed the file limit restriction on evidence uploaded via the Learner Access Portal.

  • Removed the case sensitive requirement for usernames in the Learner Access Portal.
    • As this is a fix for account details going forward, for previously set usernames you will have to go into the network details tab for the student and hit save again for this to work. Once this is done that user will then have a username that can be used regardless of case.

  • 'Added By' has been added to the Action Table on Student Applications.

  • Time is now included next to the date when viewing Check In/Out History.

  • Added academic year filtering to student counts.

  • Moved Overseas Passport checkbox to be alongside the other Passport details in the Staff -> Confidential 2 tab (now at the top).


  • Fixed order of 'Custom 2' fields in Standard Values -> Student Values -> Custom Fields. 
    • The order should now reflect the Custom 2 tab on the student record. 

  • Fixed an issue causing some discrepancies in Attendance Reports.

  • Fixed an issue causing custom labels to be ignored in Standard Values.

  • Fixed issue with evidence browser not pulling through target cache filter correctly.  

  • Fixed an error that was occurring when trying to save Baseline Reassessments.

  • Updated Date format output for the 5 Student Qualification Excel Reports. Dates on these reports should now output as a valid date format rather than plain text.
    • Qualification Unit Details Report
    • List of Previous Qualifications
    • List of Qualifications (ILR)
    • List of Current Qualifications (ILR)
    • List of Qualifications

  • Fixed an issue in the Student Qualifications report where under some conditions information was listed under the wrong column.

  • Fixed issue where student documents weren't appearing on the documents tab within a student application.  

  • Fixed issue where the Assessed Date was not displaying correctly on the Baseline Manager for Subject Targets.  

  • Fixed issue where End of Term Report would cause an error when generating.

  • Fixed an issue with the Staff Upcoming Appraisals widget, This should now only show current staff, and if the user has the Cascading Line Manager permission it should only show staff you manage.

  • Fixed an issue with the Evidence Browser 'Status' filter not filtering out students correctly.

  • Resolved issue where Evidence Browser 'Cache Tags' filter was not filtering correctly.

  • Fixed issue where shifts were incorrectly duplicating on the Absence Days - PDF report.

  • Fixed issue where the objective sorting modal would not load objective data correctly.  

  • Added extra error handling in to prevent supplier issue of 'Bad Request' being returned when printing student Weight History.

  • Fixed an issue caused by saving fields in the Staff Record - Internal Tab.

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