January Developments 2024

Posted 6 months ago by Harrigan Phillips

Harrigan Phillips Admin

Here are the latest developments and hotfixes made to Databridge, released 01/02/24.


  • The Print Register Report found in the reports menu on the Day Attendance screen brings through the value entered on the ‘Dept. of Ed Status’ field in Standard Values > Attendance Status settings, rather than the first character of the attendance status – this removes the possibility of the same character appearing on the report for multiple statuses.

  • The Student Group filter has been added as a filter to the Day Attendance Dashboard.

Block Reporting

  • The Important Information field found on the Work tab of a staff record is now available in the Staff block.

  • The Username field on the Security tab of a staff record is now available in the Staff block.

  • The Student – Date of Birth field found on the Personal tab of a student record is now available in the Student Contacts block.

Student Records

  • On the MAR grid for the Medication tab of a student record, any medication scheduled as PRN now appears as an option when viewing the MAR grid – any medication marked as PRN will operate in exactly the same way as any regularly scheduled medication.

  • When using the student dropdown on the Work Experience page to switch between learner records, the Site filter will remain on the site that was selected when changing the learner dropdown.

  • New policy added to Administration > Policies > System Policies > Student Policies > Sort Student Checklist Alphabetically. With this policy turned on, the checklists found on a learner record will sort by alphabetical order, rather than the order they were added to the record.

  • You can now archive PEEP entries on a learner record. You can still print archived PEEP entries, and you can also re-instate them using the ‘Restore’ button.

Goals and Targets

  • On the targets page for a learner record, new filters have been added that allow you to view targets that are active within a custom date range.

New toggle options added when running the ‘Print Evidence’ report found in the Options menu of a student’s targets screen. These toggles allow you to select between printing Observations and Achievements (and both).

Care Plans

  • New policy added to Administration > Policies > System Policies > Care Plan Policies > ‘Use Site Name for Print Out’. This defaults the standard Care Plan report to include the Site name on the report.

  • You can now link Event logs to statements on a student’s Care Plan. To do this, go to the Detailed Care Plan screen for a student and click on a Statement. A new tab is available labelled ‘Linked Events’. From here you can link events by entering the event log ID – any linked events will then appear.


  • New policy added to Administration > Policies > System Policies > ILR Policies > ‘Show ILR Attribute Codes in Dropdown Fields’. This adds the ILR code next to each statement on the relevant dropdowns when viewing the ILR Grid or Form view manager.


  • New print options when viewing a student or staff timetable, ‘Print Individual w/learners’ and ‘Print Bulk w/learners’ – these reports include the student names on each session.


  • When duplicating a Staff Rota, the Linked Students information will also be duplicated.

  • Issue with Holiday approval via the Absence Manager – when approving or changing a request via the Absence Manager, the page will now continue to display the absence information for the relevant staff member, rather than switch to viewing the details for the user.

  • The PEEP printout will now display the manual user input if the user has selected ‘Other’ in the Building dropdown.

  • SLASC report 2024 year option added.

  • Bug fixed with the Security tab on the staff record – this tab will now only show if the user has either the read or write permission for the security tab.

  • The option for Attendance notes when running the ‘Print Daily Attendance Report’ found on the Day Attendance reports dropdown now defaults to print the attendance notes, rather than the student notes.

  • Governance Report Builder – bug fixed where invalid values caused a print error.

  • Governance Report Builder – bug fixed where months within the selected Term Date range were excluded.

  • Error occurred message now no longer appears when running a Funding Audit log if there is an empy value in the ‘Was/Is’ columns.

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