Care Plan Forum 02/12/24

Posted 3 months ago by Liam Morgan

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Liam Morgan Admin

Hi All,

Thankyou so much for taking the time to attend today, we've taken a lot of really ideas to be considered for Databridge 3. Please see the below points that were discussed, and as always please do add any additional thoughts / comments that you may think of below.

  • Student Record Information - Discussed pulling some information from from the Student Record over to the Care Module, some of this to appear to be directly housed on Care Plans, other to appear on record AND care plans depending on nature of field. Any information that is stored on both to be a 2-way edit. (Permission Dependant)

  • Statement Tags, with switchable view options to look at just specific tags

  • 'View As' Feature that allows senior staff to view certain screens (Such as Care Plans) as they appear for different security groups. 

  • Increased Read Receipt functionality - Email notifications for care plan updates (Alongside consistent notification process throughout the system), with the option for editor to not send out notifications for instances such as typing or grammatical fixes.

  • Option to select changes as 'significant change' alongside an additional printout to just view this type of change.

  • A system that allows users to easily identify changes to Care Statements - Comments section when amending a statement where notes can be added, summarising the changes. Additionally discussed the option of new or edited text to appear highlighted / boldened to be easily identifiable. 

  • View option so only see updated Statements.

  • Area that allows Users to keep notes about why certain plans have not been included in a Students Care Plan to keep record of why certain statements are not being used.

  •  Needs Assessment - A new feature that would feed through to the Care Plan, determining and pulling through the relevant statements – Would need to be flexible enough to override.

  • Draft Care Plan feature

  • Additional Care Plan reporting Features 
    • Something similar to Event Log Text Reporting allowing users to toggle which statement details would be pulled through.
    • Check for review dates between Date X and Date Y.
    • Reports / Chart showing how many learners are on each plan (Viewable by either Master Category OR Statements)

  • Temporary access - a guest login that requires user to fill in details when being used so Audit log is still useful. Alternatively, schedule lockout for users or temporary login

  • Link between Care Statements and targets - Dropdown menu when completing statement providing a link to all live targets. When target is completed from Target Screen, provides a prompt ‘do you want to update care plan’ that allows users to select a new target to appear on care plan.

  • Option to download All documents linked to Care Statement for a learner, rather than having to download them individually

  • Care Plans visible on Learner Portal, with a comment box allowing for student voice towards their Care Plan.

  • Colour coding within Statements.

  • Formatting options that are available within notes (Bold, Bullet points etc.) to also be available for custom questions fields.

  • Arrows for notes and custom questions to rearrange their order.

  • Care templates - Within the statements screen that allows a template to be built in the same way as how statements are applied to a learner. Once built, this can be applied to learners in bulk.

  • PEEP screen to have Event log level customisation but to still be housed within the care area.

  • Additional Care Statement Review Features - Care Plan Detailed > Options > Review Details allows All statements to be reviewed, but this would be developed to check each statement individually.

  • Search feature within Care Plans

  • Care Plan based widgets:
    • Care Plans up for review
    • Recently updated statements

  • Table Structure within a statement.

  • Tooltips for Care Plan statements.

  • Care Plan statements within standard values to be Site specific with option to select all / multiple sites.

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MIS Team posted 3 months ago

Just wondering does any other provision complete Dependency Profiles? If so, has anyone successfully translated these into Databridge? (We still keep ours in Excel but would be great to bring them across, but I'm not sure what might be the best way!)

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