Event Log forum 25/11 followup

Posted 4 months ago by Harrigan Phillips

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Harrigan Phillips Admin

Hi All,

Thankyou everyone for taking part in the forum, really good ideas discussed on the call and these will all be considered for Databridge 3 - Please see below for the points discussed, and this forum board is open, so you should be able to add comments as needed.

  • Rolling event log forms – certain event logs aren't tied to a specific date (eg. transition notes/application notes/EHCP reviews/etc) depending on the context the form is being used in. By not tying event logs to a specific date, and instead linking them to a specific area of the system, they will be easier to find going forward, rather than having to apply a specific date to filter by in order to find.

  • Recurring fields should be section based and field based - eg. the ability to show/hide a section should still be available as it is currently in the system, but also the ability to 'add other' for specific fields within an event log section.

  • Category setup options should appear throughout the system where necessary. eg. the custom tab on the application screen has customisable options, but not with as much functionality as the event log category setup does. This means the event log feature gets used more and for multiple reasons, and again causes the issue of having to search by a particular date for information that isn't for an instance in time, but instead something that should be easy to reference about a student record.

  • Staff event logs should be separate from student event logs - Being able to group event log categories further could help with navigation/finding the right event log as well.

  • Event log signature field – is it necessary? Does the audit serve the same purpose? Does adding a signature to an event log require an additional layer of security?

  • Having a platform to share best practices/share the different event log categories with other Databridge users

  • New field type for tables - being able to store information in a table within an event log would save a lot of time and clearly present information

  • Error messages need better description – needs to highlight what area/field is causing the error

  • Text reports – need ability to reorder fields after report has been created/saved. With the current system this is time-consuming and could be improved

  • Need to be able to add students/staff from multiple sites to one event log, with improved security options so that users don't need access to all records in a particular site, but just any event logs that do concern multiple sites.

  • Ability to move default fields throughout the form, rather than have date/time/details/etc all at the top of the form. This would also ideally apply to actions 

  • Global sections to be able to moved up and down the form, rather than appear at the top

  • Being able to change event log categories:
    • Arguments for both options discussed here – Being able to change the category of an event log after it has been saved is useful in any instances of a mis-click/any instances where context needs to be changed, such as if a behaviour event log needs to be escalated to a safeguarding event log (for example).
    • On the flipside, staff being able to change the event log category means that information (mainly information in any custom fields) is hidden as the forms change. This is particularly an issue with event logs that staff may go in and out of regularly to update.
    • The option to choose which event log categories we can change the category for would be beneficial, and if the ability to change event log category can be linked to a specific event log security setting (eg. delete/edit), this could prevent other staff mistakenly changing a form. 
    • Otherwise the category type needs to be fixed/not changeable, and the category selected should appear on screen in a more obvious way to reduce the risk of misclicks.

  • When an event log is created, depending on the criteria entered it could trigger the creation of a follow up event. This would also auto-link these events. For example, if someone was injured and this was recorded on a behaviour log, this would trigger an event log for an accident record to be created.

  • Similar to the point above, saving an event log could trigger actions to be created.

  • The ability to create set dropdown options for event log actions that would appear rather than having to type them in (but the ability to create custom actions would still be required also)

  • Anywhere that event logs are loading en-masse (reporting screens/find event screen/etc) needs to be for a small date range initially to save loading time

  • Have the ability to set default filters for the find event log screen (and all/most other screens where filters are used)

  • The ability to have a Sort By feature on tables that appear throughout the system

  • Reporting – bar charts from graphs to become hyperlinks that then show a list of each of those event logs on the find event screen/somewhere you can then easily access the related event logs

  • Be able to pick apart information from a bar graph - eg. if a bar graph shows "10 events", the ability to dissect this data further (which students the graph represents, for example)

  • Colour differentiation between sections on event logs. This is to give additional context when staff are filling out a form

  • Dynamic find event log screens - these would work like event log text reporting, in that you would be able to choose which fields are displayed and then access each event log as needed.

  • Be able to set where the document upload option goes on an event log (and have the ability to have multiple points in one event log to upload documents)

  • Having a search feature when viewing a text report

  • Be able to move a field from one section to another within a category

  • Have the ability to create custom dashboards by users, or have multiple dashboards to display information from different event logs.

  • The Care Plan screen could have a summary view of event logs (like a text report)

  • How to protect against unsaved event logs. Seem to come in blocks/pairs.

Thanks again to everyone that was available today,

The Databridge Team

1 Votes



Melissa Ryan posted about 1 month ago

We have discussed being able to have a field that can add information to an event for the student such as D.O.B, address etc that will get pulled over from their data. 

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