First Announcement

Posted 4 months ago by Harrigan Phillips

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Harrigan Phillips Admin

We’re very excited to announce the official beginning of the Databridge 3 project!

Our aim with the next version of Databridge is to make the system easier to use, faster, and offering more tools to help you and your team focus on the work that matters – providing education and care to the people you support.

Through working closely with you over the years, we’ve learnt a lot about how to deliver the best system possible and your feedback is immensely valued. When you click a button or visit a certain page, the chances are that this first existed as one of your ideas - this is something we only want to further with Databridge 3.

We encourage you to have as much involvement as you can spare, which is why we’re going to be hosting regular forums throughout this project. This presents the perfect opportunity to have your voice heard, and for us to be able to give you regular updates.

The first call will be held via Teams on the 5th of November at 11am. We shall be looking to host in-person forums as well, which will be announced soon. If you would like to take part in our forums, please email [email protected] and let us know.

We recognise that our ambitions for this project are extremely high, which is why we’re also excited to announce our decision to partner with Godel Technologies in delivering Databridge 3. By way of introduction, here’s a word from Godel themselves:

“Godel Technologies is an agile nearshore software development partner, headquartered in Manchester. For more than 20 years, Godel has provided fully managed, highly skilled software engineering resourcing solutions to some of the UK’s leading household names in building industry-disruptive, business-critical solutions by extending their development capacity. Godel’s mission is to become the most respected nearshore software development company in Europe.”

To learn more about Godel you can visit their website here –

We’ll also be posting regular updates to our forums board which you can visit here – Databridge 3 Forum.

In our first forum we’ll be going into more detail on the overall timeline for Databridge 3, outlining our plans for the following forums, and answering any questions you may have at this stage.

We'd like to extend an enormous thank you for all your support so far, we are beyond excited to officially begin DB3 and look forward to continuing working with you.

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